Monday, September 3, 2018


      I am hoping we have a stimulating and enjoyable semester as you experience the world of Psychology. My goal is to offer students who are willing to work hard an opportunity to be immersed in the world of Psychology, explore topics of interest in more detail, and earn a good grade in the course.  I also am hoping you will pick up the necessary skills for writing a good academic research paper. On that note, I would like to share a few areas to focus on to both enhance your course experience and give yourself a chance to obtain the best grade possible:

Homework: Success at college depends as much on what you do outside the classroom as what you do inside of it. 
It will be important to consistently complete your standing homework assignments. If you do, they will provide you valuable context and reinforcement of class lectures. 

Your standing homework assignments are:

1. Keep up with the reading: It is a general assumption you will be doing a reading to accompany the class lectures. This will help enhance your understanding of the material and give you a deeper knowledge of the subject matter. The assigned reading for the topics we are covering in class can be found on the syllabus. 

2. Watch the assignment videos: The videos associated with the lectures were designed to provide you more details about different topics as well as reinforce material covered in class. Watching them is an excellent way to enhance your understanding and assist with the process of committing the material to memory for test preparation.

       3. Make sure you are aware of the due dates and requirements for all writing assignments and follow them!!!

4. Stay in touch: Many issues can be resolved earlier in the semester and can make the rest of the semester go much smoother. Make sure you are familiar enough with course expectations to ask the questions early in the semester. Feel free to ask during class time so everyone can get the benefit of the information. Office hours are listed on the syllabus and other times are available by appointment. 
       5.Check the Psychology blog on a regular basis for updates on the class, additional reading assignments, and extra credit opportunities, if/when they are offered.  

6. Class Participation: 
Please feel free to share thoughts, ideas, and questions during class. I find class discussion an integral part of a stimulating learning experience and hope you will be an active participant in the class. 

       YOUR FIRST HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT is to familiarize yourself with the website which will be an invaluable resource throughout the semester! 

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