Monday, September 29, 2014


On Wednesday, October 8th, a reminder that Suffolk will be hosting its' annual Mental Health Awareness day.

Psy 201 students will have class in the Mildred Green Room where I will be holding a lecture on the Biology of Psychopathology.

In addition, they can EARN EXTRA CREDIT by attending the Biology of Addiction lecture right after mine and following the instructions on the previous post regarding extra credit.

Workshops on a variety of issues will be offered.  This year the planned workshops are:


•             Heroin: The Long Island Epidemic, by Steve Chassman, LICADD, Montauk Point Room, 9:30 a.m.

•             The Biology of Psychopathology, by Dr. Joseph Vollaro, Mildred Green Room, 9:30 a.m.

•             Promoting Equal, Healthy and Non-violent Relationships, SCCADV, Old Field Room, 9:30 a.m.

•             Veterans: Diagnoses, Treatment, and Suicide Prevention, Nancy Olsen, Northport VAMC, Montauk Point Room, 11:00 a.m.

•             GLBT 101:  presented by Stephanie Buxbaum, LIGALY, Orient Point Room, 11:00 a.m.

•             The Biology of Addiction,  Professor Mike Mangino, Nursing Program, Mildred Green Room, 11:00 a.m.

•             How to Stay Calm and Centered with Mindfulness Practice, Nina Thorne, MBSR – L. I., Mildred Green Room, 12:30 p.m.


Mental health agencies which will have information and resources available include:


•             Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD)

•             Response Hotline (Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention)

•             Federation of Organizations (NYS Mental Disabilities)

•             FEGS Positive Space Program (HIV counseling)

•             Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (SCCADV)

•             National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

•             Mather Hospital Eating Disorders Program

•             Northport V.A. Medical Center

•             Association for Mental Health and Wellness

•             Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth (LIGALY)

•             The Dwyer Project (Veterans Peer Support)

•             Suffolk County United Veterans (Homelessness)


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How Development is Changing

The following article discusses how some of the newer research in Neuroscience is changing the way we think about childhood development:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What happens when we all live to 100?

A great article discussing the issue of aging...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Attention all students in 200 level courses:

You may be eligible for membership in Psi Beta, the National Honor Society in Junior and Community Colleges. Ii order to be eligible, students must:

  • Have completed at least 12 college credits
  • Be registered as a full time student
  • Have completed Psy 101/Intro to Psychology with a B or better
  • Received a B or better in any other Psychology course they have completed
  • Have an overall GPA of 3.5 or better

If you are interested in applying, please see me for an application or contact Professor Brewer at


On October 8th, 2014, Suffolk Community College is sponsoring its' Mental Health Awareness Day. During our class period, I will be presenting on the topic "The Biology of Psychopathology".  Thus, class will be held where the presentation will be given (TBA). Please make note of this.

All other students are encouraged to attend and can refer to the post regarding extra credit for doing so for more information.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



The Scientific American Readings are now available. To access them, you can go directly to them from On Campus by going to the following link.
Off campus, you will need to log on using your Suffolk student ID and password.
Since this is a new setup, there may be bugs so please let me know as soon as possible!

Monday, September 15, 2014


In Psy101 we were discussing the various subdivisions of Psychology. The following article features the input of a Sports Psychologist and gives an idea of the kinds of issues dealt with in this field:

Thursday, September 11, 2014


The following article discusses the issue of Domestic Violence in the context of Ray Rice, the NFL player whom was suspended for this. It is an issue that will be discussed at mental health Awareness day and a potential paper for Psy 101 and 215 students....

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


"Thinking about a career in Psychology? Come and hear from professional psychologists about what you can do with a degree in Psychology!"




OCTOBER 22, 2014

11:00 – 12:00

Southampton 30

Speakers:  Professors Benhar, Coleman,

Hanauer, and Tyson


Topics:  School Psychology, Neuropsychology, Counseling Psychology, Community Psychology


Refreshments will be served!


Monday, September 8, 2014


The Ammerman Campus' Ninth Annual Mental Health Awareness Day provides students with a wide range of information concerning mental health issues and psychological disorders.  It will take place on Wednesday, October 8th from 9:30am until 1:30pm in the Babylon Student Center.


Workshops on a variety of issues will be offered.  This year the current planned workshops are:


•             Heroin: The Long Island Epidemic, by Steve Chassman, LICADD, 9:30 a.m.

•             The Biology of Psychopathology, by Professor Joe Vollaro, 9:30 a.m.

•             Dating and Domestic Violence 101, SCCADV, 9:30 a.m.

•             Veterans: Diagnoses, Treatment, and Suicide Prevention, by Nancy Olsen, Northport VAMC, 11:00 a.m.

•             GLBT 101:  presented by Stephanie Buxbaum, LIGALY, 11:00 a.m.

•             The Biology of Addiction,  Professor Mike Mangino, Nursing Program, 11:00 a.m.

•             How to Stay Calm and Centered with Mindfulness Practice, Nina Thorne, MBSR – Long Island, 12:30 p.m.


Mental health agencies which will have information and resources available include:


•             Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD)

•             Response Hotline (Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention)

•             Federation of Organizations (NYS Mental Disabilities)

•             FEGS Positive Space Program (HIV counseling)

•             Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence (SCCADV)

•             National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

•             Mather Hospital Eating Disorders Program

•             Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS)

•             Northport V.A. Medical Center

In order to receive extra credit, a student will need to attend one of the lectures, obtain a minimum of one other source on the topic, and write a 1-2 page paper on it (following APA format!). Due date for the assignment is 10/22/2014.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thursday, September 4, 2014


If anyone is interested in advising the Psychology Club, or being a co-advisor with me, please let me know.  It’s a great opportunity to interact with students at the Ammerman campus on a different level, and to broader their horizons in terms of the field of psychology. We generally meet twice a month on Wednesdays during common hour (11:00-12:15) in the Southampton building.  I’m currently the advisor for both Psychology Club and Psi Beta, and would like to focus a little more on Psi Beta this year so any help with Psychology Club would be very welcome!  My email is


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reading-Psy 101/215H

Hi Psy 101/215H Students:

As part of our introduction we will be talking about the state of the field of Mental Health. These two recent articles are an excellent point of reference for the field of mental health in 2014.

Please make sure you read them as part of your reading assignments!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014




FALL 2014




September 2                          Tuesday                                                Day classes begin, Convocation: 4:00 pm-7:00 pm

September 3                          Wednesday                          Evening Classes begin*

September 6-7                       Saturday/Sunday                 Saturday/Sunday Classes begin

September 24                        Wednesday                          Rosh Hashanah - no evening classes*

September 25                        Thursday                               Rosh Hashanah – no classes

October 3                               Friday                                     Yom Kippur – no evening classes*

October 4                               Saturday                                                Yom Kippur – no classes

October 29                            Wednesday                          Mid-semester: students who submit a course withdrawal form                                                                                                   on or before this date are guaranteed a grade of “W”

November 3                           Monday                                 Priority registration for spring 2015 begins; winter session                                                                                                         registration begins

November 25                         Tuesday                                                Thursday day classes meet instead of Tuesday, evening classes                                                                                              meet as scheduled

November 26                         Wednesday                          Friday day classes meet instead of Wednesday, no evening                                                                                                      classes

November 27-30                   Thursday-Sunday                                Thanksgiving recess-no day or evening classes

December 1                           Monday                                 Classes resume

December 14                         Sunday                                  Last meeting of Sunday classes

December 15                         Monday                                 College make-up date for evening classes, if necessary

December 18                         Thursday                               Last meeting of day classes              

December 19                         Friday                                     College make-up date for day classes, if necessary**; evening                                                                                                  classes meet, last meeting of evening classes

December 20                         Saturday                                                Last meeting of Saturday classes

December 21                         Sunday                                  College make-up date, if necessary**

December 22                         Monday                                 College make-up date; if necessary**




 * Evening Classes begin at 4:00 p.m. or later.

** May be required in the event of a campus or college-wide closing.   





Monday Classes: Last day class is December 15; Last evening class is December 8

Tuesday Classes: Last day class is December 16, last evening class is December 9

Wednesday Classes: Last day and evening class is December 17

Thursday Classes: Last day and evening class is December 18;

Friday Classes: Last day class is December 12; last evening class is December 19

Saturday Classes: Last day is December 20

Sunday Classes: Last day is December 14





         Welcome students of the Fall 2014 semester!

 I am hoping we have a stimulating and enjoyable semester as you experience the world of Psychology. 
My goal is to offer students who are willing to work hard an opportunity to be immersed in the world of Psychology, explore topics of interest in more detail, and earn a good grade in the course.  On that note, I would like to share a few ideas of things to focus on to both enhance your course experience and give yourself a chance to obtain the best grade possible:

Homework: It will be important to consistently complete your standing homework assignments. If you do, they will provide you valuable context and reinforcement of class lectures. Your standing homework assignments are:

1.     Keep up with the reading: It is a general assumption you will be doing a reading to accompany the class lectures. This will help enhance your understanding of the material and give you a deeper knowledge of the subject matter

2.     Watch the assignment videos: The videos associated with the lectures were designed to provide you more details about different topics as well as reinforce material covered in class. Watching them is an excellent way to enhance your understanding and assist with the process of committing the material to memory for test preparation.

 3.  Plan out your assignments: Writing assignments are a key component of the class. Make sure you develop a schedule early on for their completion and adjust accordingly if you fail to stay on time

a                - Make sure you understand all the requirements for the writing assignments on the                          syllabus so you are not penalized for not following the assignment!
-                 - Identify an appropriate topic early in the semester-see me with questions 
                  - Peer Review Review articles are excellent sources for your assignments- make sure                   you learn how to find and access them 
      Stay in touch: Many issues can be resolved earlier in the semester and can make the rest of the semester go much smoother. Make sure you are familiar enough with course expectations to ask the questions early in the semester. Feel free to ask during class time so everyone can get the benefit of the information

      Check the blog on a regular basis for updates on the class, additional reading assignments, and extra credit opportunities.  

      Class Participation: Please feel free to share thoughts, ideas, and questions during class. I find class discussion an integral part  of a stimulating learning experience and hope you will be an active participant in the class. 

      If you find any websites or resources that are helpful to you in the course please share them with me as my website is a dynamic site and I am always looking for resources that will be useful to students

      Your 1st Homework Assignment: Familiarize yourself with the website which will be an invaluable resource throughout the semester!