Monday, April 22, 2013


Extra Credit Opportunity: Read the following article and discuss your ideas/feelings about it. It can be used as up to 5 points extra credit on the final exam:



Just a reminder that the remaining writing assignments are due. Since this is the second assignment I will be grading more strictly then the first!

 Keep in mind the following:

·         Follow all assignment directions

·         Make sure that you cite appropriately and use APA FORMAT- lack of citations can lead to issues with plagiarism

·         APA format does not have to include all the “sections”- this is only when you are conducting an experiment!

·         Absolutely no assignments are due after the due date

Please see me if you have any questions.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The following articles were published this week regarding some topics of interest for Psychology Classes. If you want to explore them further, feel free to use them as a basis of one of your research assignments!

Rising Diagnosis of ADHD: explores the problem of over-diagnosis and the danger of not following the diagnostic process appropriately.

One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest: explains what is happening to the place where the infamous movie about an insane asylum was filmed.

BRAIN: gives a good example fo the scientific debate regarding President Obama's propiosed brain mapping project. This is the kind of debate that emerges whenever their is an attempt to move forward on any major scientific endeavor.