Monday, January 27, 2014

Some interesting articles for reading:

A note about article postings: I will denote a particular class if the article should be read by that class. If I do not put a specific class then it is a more general article. Even if I put a specific class, it would be fine to read the ar5ticle if you have an interest in Psychology!

Most of us begin the semester with the intent of being successful. Have you ever thought about why some people are successful and others not? Recently, the following article offered some interesting insight on this questions. I encourage all students to take a look!

What Drives Success? (New York Times, January 25th, 2014)

In Psy 215, we will be covering the topic of Addiction. In yesterday's Newsday there was a major article on the issue of Heroin addiction on Long Island. I encourage all students to read it but it is particularly important for Psy 215 students!

Heroin becomes an increasing problem on Long Island (Newsday, January 26th, 2014):

I n Psy 201, we will be discussing the issue of how celluar activity in the human brain can account for complex behavior. Neuroscientists are hoping to better understand the answers to this questions by exploring how brain circuits actually work. The following article discusses some new initiatives and insight into this intriguing area:

The Brain in Exquisite Detail (New York Times, January 6th, 2014)


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