Thursday, February 28, 2013



Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Psy 201: Mistake on Syllabus:

Attention all Psy 201 students: There was a mistake on the syllabus where nothing was scheduled for the week of 3/4/2013. Thus, given that we have not missed any time, we are actually aead of schedule in terms of covering the material. This means it is likely we will have the mid-term a week earlier than it is scheduled on the syllabus, the week of 3/11/2013. We will discuss details in class.

The first writing assigment will still be due the date on the syllabus, so there will be no change with that!

1st Writing Assignments:

All classes will have their first writing assignments due in a couple of weeks (the weeks of mid-terms). A few reminders to make sure you receive the best grade possible!

  • Make make sure you review the syllabus and follow the specific directions about the assignments. many students lose significant points simply because they have not followed the directions.
  • APA Format: Make sure you include the following components: Title page, abstract, reference page and appropriate APA citations
Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Some interesting articles

This past week there were a number of articles in the news that were relevant to topics we werre discussing in class.

The first one is about a recent proposal from President Obama to  begin a brain mapping project similar to the Human Genome Project. For Psy 201 students, if you are interested, you can substitute this for one of the papers that are due. Follow the same instructions and see me with any questions.

 In Psy 215 we have discussed how the suicide rate in the elderly is exceptionally high. The following article discussing this in the context of a cultural phenomena that is different than here.

Finally, there has been a great deal of research regarding television and violence. The following article reviews some recent studies in this area.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about them or would like to discuss further in class!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wisdom from Psychopaths?

The following article is not only interesting but of particular interest to Psychology 215 students when we cover the personality disorders. It describbes the experience of a clinical psychologist who enters one of the highest security wards in England to interview the psychopaths serving time there.
It gives a fascinating view of certain traits involved witht the disorder and how they fit into society in general. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Classes 2/12/2013

The college is open on 2/12/2013, therefore classes will be held. Given how difficult it is for students to make it in today, all absences will be excused. We will be continuing with the lectures and if you do not attend make sure you review the upcoming slides and do the reading. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


The following assignment is going to be counted for 15 points of your mid-term exam. There was an article in the New York Times this past weekend:
It chronicled the journey of a young man through the mental health system that tragically failed him. It touches on a number of topics we have discussed as part of our introduction to the field of mental health.
The assignment is as follows:
Read the article and write a 1-2 page essay answering the following questions:
1)      Do you feel the appropriate diagnostic process was followed? Why?
a.       Hint: Find the suggested method for diagnosing ADHD-Evidenced Based Practice (5 points)

2)      Did reading the story make you think differently about the issue of confidentiality? Can you think of any changes to the rules that could avoid such future occurrences? (5 points)

3)      Did the person receive the right treatment for the disorder?

a.       Hint: Find the treatment protocol for adult ADHD-Evidenced Based Practice (5 points)
It would be great to add a section on what you learned from the reading/assignment.
Due Date: 2/20 (Monday/Wednesday class), 2/21 (Tuesday/Thursday class)- ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED PAST THESE DATES!
All assignments must utilize APA format and be signed in (see syllabus for details)
The completed assignment will count as 15 points of your mid-term exam and the remaining 85 points will be the multiple choice mid-term.
Please see me if you have any questions.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Psychology and your World

A major goal of my courses is to facilitate a greater understanding of the impact of Psychology on the world. The following articles were in the news this week and I encourage you to read them as they relate to topics we have been discussing in my various courses:

Mental Illness, Violence, and reporting laws:

The Controversy of Evolution: Seeing Darwin through Christian Eyes...:

Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Schizophrenia and the Art of the Possible:

The Peer-Review Process- limitations to be aware of:

Feel free to mention them in class if you are interested in discussing them!