Wednesday, December 5, 2012


ATTENTION PSYCHOLOGY 101 STUDENTS- The MyPyschLab has been renewed until the end of the semester!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Brookhave National Lab Trip

Hi everyone

I had originally scheduled a trip to Brookhaven Labs to visit their neuroscience unit early in November with some of our Psi Beta members.  The trip was cancelled due to damage from the storm and has been rescheduled to Friday, December 7th.  Some of the students originally scheduled to attend cannot attend on the 7th, so I have some open spots available.

If you have students who you think would be interested, or if you want to offer it to your classes, I can take about 5 more students.  We are all meeting at the labs by 9:00 am on Friday, so students need their own transportation.  We would be finished by lunch time.

Anyone interested should contact me as soon as possible at this email.  I will send them the actual agenda for the day. Thanks.


Courtney Brewer, PhD, LMHC
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Social Sciences
Suffolk County Community College
533 College Rd.
Selden, NY  11784
(631) 451-4986

Thursday, November 29, 2012


One of the goals of all of the courses is for people to better understand the world around them. Issues related to the field of Psychology often are reflected in the issues of the world around us. The following three artiles were published this week in the New York Times:

What Brand Is Your Therapist?

Neuroscience: Under Attack

Gay Conversion Therapy Faces a Test in Court:

 I am offering the following extra credit based on these articles:

Psy 201: Must do the extra credit on the Neuroscience Under Attack article
All Other classes: Choose whichever article you are interested in
The extra credit is worth up to 7 points on your lowest grade. For the assignment, summarize the article and include a response (your opinion) in it. If you could talk about how the article links to what you have learned that will increase your chances of receiving full credit.

Due Date: 12/12/2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


As you know, the writing assignments for  Psychology 201 and Psychology 215 are due next week. The following is a reminder of the assignments- PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW ALL REQUIREMENTS TO ASSIST YOU IN OBTAINING THE BEST GRADE POSSIBLE.

In lieu of the 4 multi-media assignments you have the option to completing the following assignment:
I have found the following link:

This is the entire "His Brain/Her Brain" issue from the Scientific American Mind. Those who want to do a paper on brain differences in gender can use this as a starting point. (Note: This would be in lieu of the writing assignments on the syllabus).

You can approach this assignment by taking one of these articles as a starting point and then finding a minimum of one other sources (peer reviewed) on the same topic and completing a research paper on this topic. Alternatively, you uses 3 of these articles and complete the paper using these as your soruces. The writing assignment must follow all the other crierion outlined on the syllabus (APA format, etc).

A major focus of this course is to get students to understand the depth of knowledge and research available to them regarding different psychological disorders. This writing assignment will allow you to explore a disorder you may be interested in much greater depth than is typically allowed in a class of this nature.
Seeing a disorder in a person is often much different than reading it in a book or case-study. The first step is deciding which disorder you would like to learn more about. One way to do so would be to watch the videos associated with the assignments described above. A second way to select a main character from literature, film, or television who has a psychological disorder.
The assignment requires you complete a paper using an “evidenced based practice” approach answering the following questions:
1.   An introduction to the Disorder/What is the Diagnostic Criterion of the Disorder
2.   What are the general theories of etiology? OR You can focus on a specific theory
3.   What are the general forms of treatment?
4.   What is the prognosis?
5.   What, if any, changes may occur in the DSMV?

Your paper should include at least 2 citations, one of which should be peer-reviewed - Failure to use a peer-reviewed journal will result in an automatic 25 point decrease of the grade
Note: A peer-reviewed REVIEW article is an excellent source for this type of paper!
Note: Text and Class notes are allowed to be used but do not count towards the two citations; they must be sited
Other requirements of the paper are:
§  Use of (APA) format is required-failure to use APA format will result in an automatic 25 point penalty

§  Copies of any papers that were used as sources must be handed in with the paper- failure to do so will result in an automatic 20 point reduction in grade

§  All papers must be stapled

§  There will be a 5 point per calendar day penalty for each day the assignment is late

§  On the due date of the assignment, students will sign-in that they submitted the paper. If for any reason, you do not submit your paper on that day, it is your responsibility to insure that your paper is signed in appropriately. If sign-in is not completed, the paper will not be counted as submitted, and thus, a 0 will count for the grade. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Starting on November 26th, expert librarians have joined forces with the staff at the Writing Center to offer super enhanced assistance for research assignments.

Where:        Writing Center (Islip Arts 101)
When:         Mondays 2-3:30 pm
Tuesdays 10-11:30 am
Wednesdays 11 -12:30

What:  Specialized guidance in

·          Finding Sources
·          Using Databases
·          Evaluating Sources
·          Citations and Bibliography
·          Thesis Statements
·          Structure and Organization
·          Integrating Sources
·          Editing and Proofreading

How to Use this Service: Bring research assignments, drafts, notes, materials, etc. to help librarians and tutors better understand objectives of assignments

ATTENTION: Students must have a valid SCCC Student I.D. to use this service

For further information, please contact William Burns (x4150), Lisa Melendez (x4171), Krista Gruber (x4218), or Jennifer Farquhar (x4185)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Given the reconfigured schedule for the semester, the following is a revised schedule of exams and due dates for all courses:


Psy 215: 2nd exam will be on Monday, November 19th. Topics covered will be Anxiety Disorders and Personality Disorders

Psy 215H: 2nd Exam will be Tuesday, November 20th. Topics covered will be Anxiety Disorders and Personality Disorders

Psy 201: 2nd exam will be on Monday, November 19th. Topics covered will be Development of the CNS and Neuroanatomy up to, but NOT including the cortex.

Psy 101H: 2nd Exam will be Tuesday, November 20th. Topics will include Behaviorism, Humanism, Cognitive Theory, and Psychological Disorders.

Psy 101: 2nd Exam will be Tuesday, November 20th. Topics will include Behaviorism, Humanism, and  Cognitive Theory.

Psy 215, 201, 101- All assignments based on Multimedia will be due by 11/29. Those with original due dates after this date will be due as originally assigned.

Psy 215, 201- Paper due date is extended to December 6th. Anyone who is able to still submit the paper by the original date is encouraged to do so.

I hope this is helpful in getting us to the end of the semester. Please feel free to talk to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, November 12, 2012

College's Communication Regarding Missed Days

SUBJECT:     Make-up Days Following Class Cancellations

Due to Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, the College was closed for an entire week of classes.  Since it would have been impossible to make up all of the missed instructional time, we have petitioned SUNY, the State Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education for relief in order to shorten our semester by that amount of time.  Our regularly scheduled make-up days will be employed for other closings as needed.  Therefore, the day classes that would have run today, Thursday, November 8th, are now scheduled to be made up on Thursday, December 20th.

Many faculty members have already made alternative arrangements to ensure that students receive the full course content and we applaud these efforts.  Options to make up work lost as a result of Hurricane Sandy include the use of D2L or an extension of class time for evening classes.  Weekend faculty should feel free to use the regularly scheduled make-up days of Saturday, December 22 and Sunday, December 23 to hold classes if needed.  Faculty should contact their department chair or academic associate dean for assistance.

I wish to thank the members of the calendar committee for their comments and suggestions throughout this very difficult period, as well as the Faculty Association and the members of the Board of Trustees who provided their advice and counsel.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.  Let us hope that the weather improves for the remainder of the semester and that our students and colleagues who are suffering from the aftermath of the storm recover quickly and completely.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Writing Assignment Update

The following article was published this past Sunday in the New York Times:

 It is an interesting look at at issues pertinent to the current election- education and poverty as well as psychology and neuroscience. Anyone in my Psychology classes can use this article as a base for one of the writing assignments and follow the additional requirements (i.e. obtain one other source). This can count towards one of the ones you need to complete.

Just a reminder that as the semester moves on you need to be aware of the writing assignments. Please see the syllabus for the details and me if you have any questions!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012



PSY 201 STUDENTS- in lieu of class tommorow, you can attend the Biology of Addiction seminar and do the extra credit. As a result class will not be meeting Wednesday October 10th and we will be having our first exam, next class, Monday October 15th.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Just a reminder that next week, Wednesday October 10th, is Suffolk Community College's Mental Health Awareness day. Please see August post for extra credit opportunity!

The following link is in regards to a California law affecting Mental Health Professionals and revolves around how the issue of sexual orientation is handled in this setting:

Finally, we are to the point of first exams this semester. The following is a schedule of exams:

Psy 215- Monday/Wednesday 8:00am- Exam, Monday, October 8th

Psy 201-Monday/Wednesday 9:30am- Monday, October 15th (Please remember class on the 10th will be in the Orient Point Room in the Student Union at "The Biology of Addiction" Presentation

Psy 101- Tuesday/Thursday 9:30- Tuesday, October 2nd

Psy 101-Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am- Tuesday, October 9th

Psy 215-Tuesday/Thursday 12:30- Thursday, October 4th

PLEASE NOTE: Makeup exams are not offered during the semester. If you miss an exam the makeup is given at the end of the semester. Also, you can only make up one exam.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Just wanted to do a general class update.

Please remember that you have the writing assignments from Pearson MyPsychLab coming due. They are due the week after (2nd day) of the week they are assigned on the syllabus.

Most classes have their first exams coming up. Begin studying now! The information piles up and it will be a lot of information.

I will be doing reviewes for the exams. The way I do reviews is students are allowed to bring in questions. The more questions you bring in the more extensive the review!

Also remember that Suffolk Community College's Mental Heaalth Awareness day is coming up on Octboer 10th. Please see the previous post (August) to get the details of earning extra credit on your 2nd Exam.

Finally, for those of you that are interested, in the spirit of the release of the Avengers on DVD......see this link which discusses how neuroscientists are exploring the possibility of building an iron-man like suit for humans!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The issues regarding MYPSYCHLAB for Psy 201 have been resolved. Psy201 students can log into it using the following information:

Course Id: vollaro44384

Please be aware that the publisher has limted the number of people that can use this code so do not give it out as if we pass the number of people enrolled in this class than class members will be locked out.

Also, I have found the following link:

This is the entire "His Brain/Her Brain" issue from teh Scientific American Mind. Those who want to do a paper on brain differences in gender can use this as a starting point. (Note: This would be in lieu of the writing assignments on the syllabus).

You can approach this assignment by taking one of these articles as a starting point and then finding a minimum of one other sources (peer reviewed) on the same topic and completing a research paper on this topic. Alternatively, you uses 3 of these articles and complete the paper using these as your soruces. The writing assignment must follow all the other crierion outlined on the syllabus (APA format, etc).

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I have finally gotten to the bottom of the issue with some of the homework assignments. Students will not be seeing anything listed under "Multi-Media" in the syllabus. I am working with Pearson to see if we can resolve the problem. I know there are a few assignments that are already due with materials under these and once we get this straigthened out I will allow you do do them and submit them. I am hoping we can have this working by next week!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome everyone and I hope you find this an interesting and challenging semester. As I mentioned during our first class, I will be using this page of the website for announcements and updates about the courses you are taking. Please check it regularly to keep track of things!
I want to use this as an opportunity to offer you a chance to earn extra credit. Suffolk Community College will be having its’ Seventh Annual Mental Health Awareness Day on Wednesday, October 10th from 9:30am until 3:00pm in the Babylon Student Center.
This year the scheduled workshops are:

·         Suicide Prevention, 9:30am, Old Field Room, Sharon Kelleher, Response Hotline
·         GLBT 101:  11:00am, Orient Point Room, LIGALY
·         Popping Pills: A Prescription for Disaster:  12:30pm, Montauk Point Room, Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds, LICADD
·         Eating Disorders: The Silent Addiction: 11:00am, Old Field Room, Joann Devitt, LICADD
·         Anger Management in the 21st Century:  9:30am, Mildred Green Lounge, Steve Pinto, LICADD
·         Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships: Learning About Domestic Violence: 11:00am, Mildred Green Room, SCCADV
·         The Biology of Addiction:  9:30am, Orient Point Room, Professor Mike Mangino
·         Enhancing Inner Peace Through Yoga:  12:30pm, Mildred Green Room, Professor Angela Strynkowski
·         Soldier to Student:  2:00pm, Mildred Green Lounge, Professor Tara Fagan

PSY 101, 215 Students: Can attend any of the workshops they choose.
PSY 201 students: Can attend the Biology of Addiction Workshop
In addition to attending the workshop you should find one other source on the topic and complete a 1-2 page summary paper of both the workshop and your research. It is due October 24th and you can earn up to 10 points on your second exam grade.
Please see me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Final Exams will be given Monday May 14th and Tuesday, May 15th. If you have a makeup to complete, please talk to me so you can take it after completing the final. Please bring a scantron and pencil as well.

If for some reason you cannot complete the final, you can request an Incomplete. In order to do so, you must contact me immediately. With an Inc you have within 4 weeks of the next semester (Fall 2012) to complete the final. It is important to note that if you do not complete the Inc in this timeframe the grade is automatically converted to an F.

Good luck with the end of the semester and have a great summer!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


On Sunday, April 29th, in Newsday, there was an editorial entitled "Pain-pill pushers" which gives an interesting perspective on the recent issue of addiction to prescription pain medications. Students who read the article and write a one page response caqn earn up to five points on their lowest test grade. PLEASE ATTACH THE ARTICLE TO THE PAPER YOU SUBMIT. sE ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We will be showing the film "Killing us Softly 4" on Wednesday, 4/25 at 11:00 in Room 30 in the Southampton building. Room 30 is on the lowest level of the building, it's nice and dark in there for showing films.

The film deals with advertising and the way ideal images are portrayed in the media (particularly the ideal female), and how these portrayals are promoting gender stereotypes and reinforcing unrealistic perceptions of beauty and perfection.   Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 16, 2012


PSY 101 Students should keep in mind the following in terms of their papers:
  • Do not spend time summarizing the experiments. It is ok to use examples from the experiments to illustrate your thoughts but do not spend much time explaining what happened in the experiment
  • Try to explain the behavior observed in the experiments via the theories covered in class and social psychology
  • Don't forget to talk about the ethics of the experiment and something in your life/world in which you think it applies
  • Remember to have at least (1) peer reviewed article and submit it with the paper
  • Paper should be completed in APA format
  • Make sure you cite where all information comes from (APA format) to avoid issues with plagiarism
  • It is important to limit direct quotations to 1-2 per paper. In all other cases, paraphrase and cite
  • All papers must be signed in so please make sure you do so if you are not in the class in which the paper is due
PSY 215 Students should keep in mind the following in terms of their papers:

  • Remember, the paper is about the disorder, not the character
  • Do not summarize the book, movie, etc.
  • You can use examples of the book, movie, etc to illustrate the points you are making (i.e. examples of meeting diagnostic criterion)
  • Make sure you cover the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of the disorder
  • Remember to have at least (1) peer reviewed article and submit it with the paper
  • Paper should be completed in APA format
  • Make sure you cite where all information comes from (APA format) to avoid issues with plagiarism
  • It is important to limit direct quotations to 1-2 per paper. In all other cases, paraphrase and cite
  • All papers must be signed in so please make sure you do so if you are not in the class in which the paper is due


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Pearson Publishing Company has extended an offer to students in my classes to give them access to extra resources. My hope is that students whom are interested will let me know whether these resources were a helpful adjunt to the course material and if so, which resources were particularly helpful. In order to access the Pearson site, go to The course number for my the classes is as follows:

Psy 101: vollaro90785

Psy 201: vollaro24604

Psy 215: vollaro52908

I am always looking to add to the structure of my courses. If you feel these resources should be more integrated to the course, please let me know via email or speak to me. If you have any questions please let me know.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The semester paper is due for Psy 201 on March 28 and 201H on March 29. Keep in mind the following points:

  • The paper is worth 25% of your grade
  • The paper must focus on the biological aspects of the topic. It is helpful to think of your topic in terms of anatomy, chemistry, or genetics. If you are covering a disorder, make sure you focus on what is going on in the brain, not a general description of the disorder
  • The assignment requires you use two sources outside of the class material, one of which must be a peer-reviewed article. An excellent source of information for a paper such as this is a Review Article which counts as a peer-reviewed source
  • You must submit a copy of the peer-reviewed source with the paper
  • All papers must be completed in APA format. At a minimum, make sue you have a cover page, abstract, in text citations, and a reference page.
  • A copy of your first page should have been submitted and reviewed to insure you are on the right track. Submit this page with your paper as well.
  • Review the syllabus before you submit the paper to insure you have met all requirements of the assignment
  • The library and writing center are excellent resources if you need assistance
  • Good luck and let me know if you have any questions

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Room Number for Neuroscience of Depression

The Neuroscience of Depression Presentation will be in the Southampton Building, Room H30 (first floor).

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The Psychology Club will be hosting a number of events the upcoming weeks. All students can attend any (1) of them and earn 5 extra credit points for doing a brief one page summary of it.

Monday, 2/27: Showing of the film, "Sybil", a woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality). 11:00am-12:15pm, Southampton, 231

Wednesday 3/7: 4 members of Stonybrook's Psychology Honors Society will speak about various areas of Psychology they are pursuing and how their studies relate to their career goals. 11:00am-12:15pm, Southampton, 228

Monday 3/12: Professors Bolger and Vollaro will present "The Neuroscience of Depression". 11:00am-12:15pm, location TBA

Monday 3/26: Showing of the film "How the Brain Works". 11:00a,-12:15pm, location TBA

All students are welcome to attend. Anyone whom wants to be added to the email list to receive notices of club meetings and events can contact Professor Brewer at

Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: Save the date, March 12th, 2012, at 11:00am. Ms. Joy Bolger and I will be giving a presentation entitled "Depression and the Brain" which is being sponsored by the Psychology Club. All Psychology classes are invited to attend and receive 7 points extra credit for completing a brief summary of the presentation. See me if you have any questions.

Also, the Suffolk County Community College Transfer Day is approaching. It is an opportunity for students whom are interested in getting information about transferring to teh following colleges:

Here are the details on the Ammerman Campus Counseling Center's Spring 2012 Transfer Day:

TRANSFER DAY: Wednesday, February 22, 2012

·          Location:   Babylon Student Center Cafeteria

·          Time:   10:00am - 1:00pm

·          Participating Colleges:

Adelphi University
Alfred University
Baruch College (CUNY)
Briarcliffe College
DeVry College of New York
Dowling College
East Stroudsburg University
Fashion Institute of Technology (CUNY)
Five Towns College
Hartwick College
Hofstra University
Hofstra University ROTC
Iona College
John Jay College (CUNY)
Johnson and Wales University
Kings College
Laboratory Institute of Merchandising
Lawrence Technological University
LIU-Brentwood Campus
Manhattan College
Manhattanville College
Mercy College
Molloy College
Monroe College
Mount Saint Mary College
New England Institute of Technology
New York Institute of Technology
New York University
Pace University
Queens College (CUNY)
Roger Williams University
Saint Leo University
Southern New Hampshire University
St. John’s University
St. Joseph's College:
  -Arts and Sciences
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Stony Brook University
SUNY Buffalo State College
SUNY Cobleskill
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Institute of Technology
SUNY Maritime College
SUNY New Paltz
SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Oswego
SUNY Potsdam
SUNY Purchase
Touro College of Health Sciences
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalahara
University at Albany
University of Bridgeport
University of Massachusetts – Lowell
Utica College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Just a reminder that this week, Psychology 215 classes (Abnormal Psychology) need to submit a paragraph or two on their chosen character for the paper, what they believe the diagnosis is, and why they are diagnosing the character with this disorder. Remember, the paper will be on the disorder you are diagnosing.

Psychology 201 classes (Brain and Behavior) should begin to determine what topic they will be covering for the paper. Remember, you need to get this topic approved before you begin. If you are having trouble deciding on a topic let me know and I can help.

Finally, all classes appear to be on schedule to have the first test as scheduled on the syllabus. I will confirm within the next week or so.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's in a Label?

In Psychology, we talk about the process of making a diagnosis, which is labeling the psychological disorder from which the person is suffering. The Diagnositic Statistical Manual (DSMIV) is the most widely used manual from which we diagnose. It is in the process of being updated, with the DSMV scheduled to be published in 2013. Recently, there have been numerous news articles regarding some of the proposed changes that are going to occur. On Monday, January 30th, there was an article in Newsday about how the Pervasive Developmental Disorders (i.e. Autism, Asperger's) may be changing and some potential implications of such changes. It is an excellent article to read and get a better understanding of some of the reasons we use labels in Psychology and the possible impact of them.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


On January 20th, Newsday published an editorial "Overdiagnosis Can Make You Crazy". Read the editorial and write a brief (1 page maximum) response to it. Due date is February 1st and you can earn up to 5 points extra credit on your first exam.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Welcome to the Spring 2012 Semester. This is the area I will be using to for class announcements. If an announcement is specific to your class, I will identify it as being so. Please check back on a regular basis to keep updated on everything. If you join the blog, you will be emailed everytime the blog is updated.

Have a great semester!