Thursday, February 7, 2013


The following assignment is going to be counted for 15 points of your mid-term exam. There was an article in the New York Times this past weekend:
It chronicled the journey of a young man through the mental health system that tragically failed him. It touches on a number of topics we have discussed as part of our introduction to the field of mental health.
The assignment is as follows:
Read the article and write a 1-2 page essay answering the following questions:
1)      Do you feel the appropriate diagnostic process was followed? Why?
a.       Hint: Find the suggested method for diagnosing ADHD-Evidenced Based Practice (5 points)

2)      Did reading the story make you think differently about the issue of confidentiality? Can you think of any changes to the rules that could avoid such future occurrences? (5 points)

3)      Did the person receive the right treatment for the disorder?

a.       Hint: Find the treatment protocol for adult ADHD-Evidenced Based Practice (5 points)
It would be great to add a section on what you learned from the reading/assignment.
Due Date: 2/20 (Monday/Wednesday class), 2/21 (Tuesday/Thursday class)- ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED PAST THESE DATES!
All assignments must utilize APA format and be signed in (see syllabus for details)
The completed assignment will count as 15 points of your mid-term exam and the remaining 85 points will be the multiple choice mid-term.
Please see me if you have any questions.

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