Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The following is the Final Exam Schedule for Fall 2014.

Psy 101H, Tuesdays/Thursdays 9:30am- Tuesday, December 16th

Psy 201, Monday/Wednesdays 9:30am- Wednesday, December 17th

Psy 101, Tuesday/Thursdays 11:00am-Thursday, December 18th

Psy 215H, Tuesday/Thursday 12:30pm-Thursday, December 18th

Psy 101, Thursdays 3:00pm- Thursday, December 18th

If you cannot complete the course and need an INC, please contact me as soon as possible. This needs to be prearranged.

Also, if you have a makeup exam that needs to be taken please contact me to do so. All makeups must be complete by Thursday, December 18th!!

Good luck!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Holiday Season

As we wind down the year and the holiday season is upon us, a great article on some of the Psychological aspects of the Holiday Season....

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Accuracy of Memory

In a number of classes we have been discussing the issue of memory. The following article discusses the growing realization that our memories are not like a video recording of events but in fact, are highly unreliable and subject to error.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2014