Thursday, September 27, 2012


Just wanted to do a general class update.

Please remember that you have the writing assignments from Pearson MyPsychLab coming due. They are due the week after (2nd day) of the week they are assigned on the syllabus.

Most classes have their first exams coming up. Begin studying now! The information piles up and it will be a lot of information.

I will be doing reviewes for the exams. The way I do reviews is students are allowed to bring in questions. The more questions you bring in the more extensive the review!

Also remember that Suffolk Community College's Mental Heaalth Awareness day is coming up on Octboer 10th. Please see the previous post (August) to get the details of earning extra credit on your 2nd Exam.

Finally, for those of you that are interested, in the spirit of the release of the Avengers on DVD......see this link which discusses how neuroscientists are exploring the possibility of building an iron-man like suit for humans!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The issues regarding MYPSYCHLAB for Psy 201 have been resolved. Psy201 students can log into it using the following information:

Course Id: vollaro44384

Please be aware that the publisher has limted the number of people that can use this code so do not give it out as if we pass the number of people enrolled in this class than class members will be locked out.

Also, I have found the following link:

This is the entire "His Brain/Her Brain" issue from teh Scientific American Mind. Those who want to do a paper on brain differences in gender can use this as a starting point. (Note: This would be in lieu of the writing assignments on the syllabus).

You can approach this assignment by taking one of these articles as a starting point and then finding a minimum of one other sources (peer reviewed) on the same topic and completing a research paper on this topic. Alternatively, you uses 3 of these articles and complete the paper using these as your soruces. The writing assignment must follow all the other crierion outlined on the syllabus (APA format, etc).

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I have finally gotten to the bottom of the issue with some of the homework assignments. Students will not be seeing anything listed under "Multi-Media" in the syllabus. I am working with Pearson to see if we can resolve the problem. I know there are a few assignments that are already due with materials under these and once we get this straigthened out I will allow you do do them and submit them. I am hoping we can have this working by next week!